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Your Extras Dept. Profile: Photo

06 February 2017
good profile photos of extras

We are always saying here at The Extras Dept. HQ – the best thing you can do to increase your chances of being selected as an Extra is to take a great photo.

Every few months we hold photo shoots. This is a great chance to get the perfect photo and have a chat with someone from our team. However, in the mean time you can achieve a great photo at home. All you need is a camera and a buddy!

Some dos and don’ts of the perfect photo:

DO look natural. While many people upload photos of themselves on special occasions decked to the nines or looking cool as all heck in fancy dress, the best photos for us are ones where you look like yourself. This way we can visualise you in a plethora of roles – you don’t want to limit yourself. Ensure you wear your hair down and that we can see your face clearly.

DON’T take a selfie! We hate selfies! While you may look fabulous and we may be able to see you clearly, we often send your photos to directors or other members of production and a selfie ultimately looks unprofessional. So please remember, you need a camera AND a buddy.

DO take your photo in front of a blank, neutral coloured wall. We only want to see you and while Angkor Wat is beautiful, we don’t want to see it in your profile photo.

DO ensure your photo is taken from the waist up. No full length photos or head shots please. A waist-up photo allows us to see you the most clearly.

DON’T upload high fashion modelling shots. While these look gorgeous, it’s difficult for us to tell what you look like every day and will not get you the most work.

DO keep your photo up to date. New beard? New photo. New hair colour? New photo. New face tattoo? Altogether now folks: new photo.