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Inside The Extras Dept.


28 January 2011
Yes folks. Registration 2011 is finally here – and – it’s gone ONLINE! We hope you are ready to click to sign up for another excellent year! Independent films kick off 2011 while we await the return of HBO’s brilliant Game Of Thrones and the other television dramas shooting here as a result of Thrones’ success! We are also moving into further promotional and voice over work as well as providing more actors’ stand ins on forthcoming larger productions. We constantly strive to make everything easy, so we hope you will enjoy the easy online registration process! You can now complete and update your profile on our website; for example, change your contact details, or if your appearance has altered or update your film and tv credits! As we pride ourselves on clear and recent photographs, you will still need to attend a registration day to approve your new photo before it goes online. Not to mention that we also like to see you face to face from time to time! The annual Website Publication Fee is still just £35.00 if you fill out your application online! We offer a discounted family rate of £95.00 (a family constitutes a minimum of three and a maximum of six from the same immediate family, i.e. parents and children). If you cannot enrol online and need to submit paper applications, they will be available on registration day, but there will be an extra £5 charged per application for the additional admin, thus making the fees £40.00 per individual and £100.00 per family. A choice of FOUR re-registration days are coming up in February and March at the Wellington Park Hotel. You can either attend on Saturday 19th (9am - 5pm) or Sunday 20th February (10am – 5pm) OR, a fortnight later on either Saturday 5th or Sunday 6th March (times as before). All you need to do is log on to to book a time slot now and fill out your application form online! It will take only 10 minutes, and our lovely faithful regulars will only need to update this next year! However, if you cannot fill out an application online please contact Siobhan on 078 8985 2040 or e-mail [email protected]. Due to a change in legislation, your website publication fee must be paid 30 days after registration. Your profile will not be activated until this fee is paid. If you fill out your application online, we will send you a reminder after 30 days and you can pay online by card at that time. If you prefer, you may give us a postdated cheque on the registration day you attend instead. If you are unable to attend either of the re-registration weekends, but would like to become or remain a member, please contact Siobhan to discuss. Please encourage friends and family to log in to Extras NI if they wish to join too as the next opportunity will not be until February 2012! Best wishes, Carla & Siobhan